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2.1 Application Process

Eligible Recipients

You can find the eligibility requirements for block, formula, and discretionary awards in the grant program solicitations contained in awarding agency program announcements, notices of funding opportunities (i.e., discretionary grant program solicitations), or other awarding agency program documents.

  • Block and formula awards: ??Generally, States, territories, and sometimes Indian tribes and units of local government are eligible for awards under the Department of Justice's (DOJ???s) various block and formula grant programs. Specific eligibility criteria for each program are set forth in the program???s governing statute and rules.
  • Discretionary awards: ??DOJ may award funds under its discretionary grant programs to some or all of the following types of recipients, depending on authorizing legislation and selected program strategies: ??States; units of local government; Indian tribes and tribal organizations; institutions of higher education; hospitals; nonprofit organizations; for-profit organizations; and (in limited circumstances) individuals.
  • OVW Eligibility Guide:?? The OVW Program Plan Chart is intended to assist potential OVW applicants to identify programs for which they are eligible to apply. Application packages can be found at application download. Applications that are submitted by non-eligible entities will be removed from consideration during the initial review process.