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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Archived Solicitations Fiscal Years

Fiscal Year 2023

SolicitationDeadlineProgram Office
Department of Justice
Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS)Grants.gov: 3/24/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023DOJ
Tribal Access Program9/1/2023DOJ
Bureau of Justice Assistance
Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration InitiativeGrants.gov: 2/6/2023; JustGrants: 2/14/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Administrative Funding Adjustments to BJA Previously Funded Awards 2Grants.gov: 2/23/2023; JustGrants: 2/24/2023BJA
State Criminal Alien Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 3/2/2023; JustGrants: 3/3/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Emergency Federal Law Enforcement Assistance (EFLEA) ProgramGrants.gov: 3/8/2023; JustGrants: 3/10/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Field Initiated: Encouraging InnovationGrants.gov: 3/15/2023; JustGrants: 3/16/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Administrative Funding Adjustments to BJA Previously Funded Awards 3Grants.gov: 3/22/2023; JustGrants: 3/24/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants ProgramGrants.gov: 3/23/2023; JustGrants: 3/27/2023BJA
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-based ProgramGrants.gov: 3/21/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023BJA
Improving Adult and Youth Crisis Stabilization and Community Reentry ProgramGrants.gov: 3/21/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023BJA
Justice and Mental Health Collaboration ProgramGrants.gov: 3/21/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023BJA
The Kevin and Avonte Program: Reducing Injury and Death of Missing Individuals with Dementia and Developmental DisabilitiesGrants.gov: 3/21/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023BJA
Second Chance Act Pay for Success ProgramGrants.gov: 3/21/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023BJA
Second Chance Act Smart Supervision ProgramGrants.gov: 3/21/2023; JustGrants: 3/28/2023BJA
Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in ReentryGrants.gov: 3/28/2023; JustGrants: 4/4/2023BJA
Second Chance Act Improving Reentry Education and Employment OutcomesGrants.gov: 3/28/2023; JustGrants: 4/4/2023BJA
Smart Prosecution Innovative Prosecution SolutionsGrants.gov: 3/28/2023; JustGrants: 4/4/2023BJA
Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program to Support Law Enforcement AgenciesGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation Program Training and Technical AssistanceGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
National Sexual Assault Kit InitiativeGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
Postconviction Testing of DNA EvidenceGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
Project Safe Neighborhoods Formula Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
Prosecuting Cold Cases using DNAGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
Supporting Small, Rural, and Tribal Law Enforcement Agency Body-Worn Camera Policy and Implementation ProgramGrants.gov: 4/4/2023; JustGrants: 4/11/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants ProgramGrants.gov: 4/14/2023; JustGrants: 4/17/2023BJA
Adult Treatment Court Discretionary Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 4/11/2023; JustGrants: 4/18/2023BJA
Missing and Unidentified Human Remains (MUHR) ProgramGrants.gov: 4/11/2023; JustGrants: 4/18/2023BJA
Strengthening the Medical Examiner-Coroner System ProgramGrants.gov: 4/11/2023; JustGrants: 4/18/2023BJA
Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 4/11/2023; JustGrants: 4/18/2023BJA
Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program Training and Technical AssistanceGrants.gov: 4/18/2023; JustGrants: 4/25/2023BJA
Swift, Certain, and Fair (SCF) Supervision Program: Applying the Principles Behind Project HOPEGrants.gov: 4/18/2023; JustGrants: 4/25/2023BJA
Competitive DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) ProgramGrants.gov: 4/19/2023; JustGrants: 4/26/2023BJA
Formula DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction (CEBR) ProgramGrants.gov: 4/19/2023; JustGrants: 4/26/2023BJA
Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response ProgramGrants.gov: 4/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/1/2023BJA
Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training ProgramGrants.gov: 4/25/2023; JustGrants: 5/2/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Administrative Funding Adjustments to BJA Previously Funded Awards 4Grants.gov: 5/4/2023; JustGrants: 5/5/2023BJA
Drug Data Research Center to Combat the Overdose CrisisGrants.gov: 5/1/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023BJA
National Center on Restorative JusticeGrants.gov: 5/1/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023BJA
Smart Policing Initiative Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 5/1/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023BJA
STOP School Violence Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 5/1/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023BJA
Adult Treatment Court Planning, Training, Technical Assistance, and Resources Center InitiativeGrants.gov: 5/2/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023BJA
National Training and Technical Assistance: Capital Case Litigation InitiativeGrants.gov: 5/8/2023; JustGrants: 5/15/2023BJA
Preventing School Violence: BJA's STOP School Violence ProgramGrants.gov: 5/8/2023; JustGrants: 5/15/2023BJA
Community-based Approaches to Prevent and Address Hate CrimesGrants.gov: 5/17/2023; JustGrants: 5/24/2023BJA
Upholding the Rule of Law and Preventing Wrongful Convictions ProgramGrants.gov: 5/17/2023; JustGrants: 5/24/2023BJA
OJP Community Based Violence Intervention and Prevention InitiativeGrants.gov: 5/18/2023; JustGrants: 5/25/2023BJA
Intellectual Property Enforcement Program: Protecting Public Health, Safety, and the Economy from Counterfeit Goods and Product PiracyGrants.gov: 5/23/2023; JustGrants: 5/30/2023BJA
Community Courts InitiativeGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJA
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program - CompetitiveGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJA
Second Chance Act Community-Based Reentry ProgramGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJA
State Criminal Alien Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJA
Tribal Justice Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJA
Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program - FormulaGrants.gov: 5/31/2023; JustGrants: 6/1/2023BJA
National Public Safety Partnership Capacity Building Grant Limited Competition Grant SolicitationGrants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023BJA
National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative: Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023BJA
Prison Rape Elimination Act Resource CenterGrants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023BJA
Smart Reentry: Expanding Jail Programs and ServicesGrants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023BJA
Field Initiated: Encouraging InnovationGrants.gov: 6/8/2023; JustGrants: 6/15/2023BJA
Rural and Small Department Violent Crime Reduction ProgramGrants.gov: 6/13/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023BJA
Emmett Till Cold Case Investigations and Prosecution ProgramGrants.gov: 6/20/2023; JustGrants: 6/26/2023BJA
Reimagining Justice: Testing a New Model of Community SafetyGrants.gov: 6/20/2023; JustGrants: 6/27/2023BJA
Second Chance Act Community-based Reentry Incubator InitiativeGrants.gov: 6/20/2023; JustGrants: 6/27/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants ProgramGrants.gov: 6/28/2023; JustGrants: 6/30/2023BJA
Patrick Leahy Bulletproof Vest Partnership Program6/30/2023BJA
Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring ProgramGrants.gov: 6/29/2023; JustGrants: 7/6/2023BJA
Virtual Reality De-escalation Site-Based InitiativeGrants.gov: 6/29/2023; JustGrants: 7/6/2023BJA
Visiting Fellows ProgramGrants.gov: 6/29/2023; JustGrants: 7/6/2023BJA
Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes ProgramGrants.gov: 7/6/2023; JustGrants: 7/11/2023BJA
Invited Applications Regional Information Sharing SystemsGrants.gov: 7/6/2023; JustGrants: 7/12/2023BJA
The Price of Justice: Rethinking the Consequences of Fines and FeesGrants.gov: 7/6/2023; JustGrants: 7/13/2023BJA
John R. Justice Formula Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 7/13/2023; JustGrants: 7/18/2023BJA
Invited to Apply CorrectionsGrants.gov: 7/13/2023; JustGrants: 7/20/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Solicitation for the Law Enforcement Innovation and Crime Reduction TeamGrants.gov: 7/14/2023; JustGrants: 7/21/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Solicitation for Law Enforcement OperationsGrants.gov: 7/14/2023; JustGrants: 7/21/2023BJA
Transforming Prison Cultures, Climates, and SpacesGrants.gov: 7/18/2023; JustGrants: 7/25/2023BJA
Second Chance Act Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 7/25/2023; JustGrants: 8/1/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Administrative Funding Adjustments to BJA Previously Funded Awards 5Grants.gov: 7/31/2023; JustGrants: 8/3/2023BJA
Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Training and Technical AssistanceGrants.gov: 7/31/2023; JustGrants: 8/7/2023BJA
National Initiatives: Law Enforcement Training and Technical AssistanceGrants.gov: 8/1/2023; JustGrants: 8/8/2023BJA
Advancing Women Officers in State and Local Law Enforcement: Technical Assistance and Microgrant ProgramGrants.gov: 8/7/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023BJA
State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Information Sharing Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 8/7/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023BJA
Tribal Civil and Criminal Legal Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 8/7/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023BJA
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners ProgramGrants.gov: 8/9/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) Reallocation Funds ProgramGrants.gov: 8/11/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Sex Offender and Registration Notification Act (SORNA) Reallocation ProgramGrants.gov: 8/11/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Continuation of the Public Safety Officers' Benefits (PSOB) National Law Enforcement Survivor Support and National Firefighter and First Responder Survivor Support ProgramsGrants.gov: 8/10/2023; JustGrants: 8/15/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Courts, Communities and Strategic PartnershipsGrants.gov: 8/11/2023; JustGrants: 8/18/2023BJA
John R. Justice (JRJ) Formula Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 8/15/2023; JustGrants: 8/22/2023BJA
Invited to Apply AugustGrants.gov: 8/22/2023; JustGrants: 8/25/2023BJA
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - State SolicitationGrants.gov: 8/29/2023; JustGrants: 8/30/2023BJA
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program - Local SolicitationGrants.gov: 8/30/2023; JustGrants: 8/31/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Administrative Funding Adjustments to BJA Previously Funded Awards 6Grants.gov: 9/13/2023; JustGrants: 9/14/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Matthew Shepard and James Byrd, Jr. Hate Crimes ProgramGrants.gov: 9/21/2023; JustGrants: 9/22/2023BJA
Invited to Apply Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence (Supplements)Grants.gov: 10/10/2023; JustGrants: 10/18/2023BJA
Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program Local SolicitationGrants.gov: 10/23/2023; JustGrants: 10/24/2023BJA
Virtual Reality Training Development for Law EnforcementGrants.gov: 12/4/2023; JustGrants: 12/11/2023BJA
Bureau of Justice Statistics
National Criminal History Improvement Program Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 1/24/2023; JustGrants: 1/31/2023BJS
National Criminal History Improvement Program Supplemental FundingGrants.gov: 2/21/2023; JustGrants: 2/28/2023BJS
State Justice Statistics Program for Statistical Analysis CentersGrants.gov: 4/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/1/2023BJS
Survey of State Parole Agencies on Reentry ServicesGrants.gov: 5/16/2023; JustGrants: 5/22/2023BJS
Census of Publicly Funded Forensic Crime LaboratoriesGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJS
National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP)Grants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023BJS
Firearm Inquiry Statistics (FIST) Program, 2023-2026Grants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023BJS
Census of Prosecutor OfficesGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/13/2023BJS
Law Enforcement Core Statistics (LECS) ProgramGrants.gov: 6/12/2023; JustGrants: 6/19/2023BJS
Census of State and Federal Adult Correctional Facilities 2024Grants.gov: 6/21/2023; JustGrants: 6/28/2023BJS
Survey of Prison Inmates Research and DevelopmentGrants.gov: 6/21/2023; JustGrants: 6/28/2023BJS
Access to Justice Design and Testing ProgramGrants.gov: 6/22/2023; JustGrants: 6/29/2023BJS
Campus Climate SurveyGrants.gov: 7/25/2023; JustGrants: 8/1/2023BJS
Census of Jails 2024Grants.gov: 7/25/2023; JustGrants: 8/1/2023BJS
Law Enforcement Transition to the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to Improve Hate Crime ReportingGrants.gov: 8/1/2023; JustGrants: 8/8/2023BJS
Survey of Prison Inmates Research and DevelopmentGrants.gov: 8/21/2023; JustGrants: 8/28/2023BJS
Access to Justice Design and Testing ProgramGrants.gov: 8/22/2023; JustGrants: 8/29/2023BJS
National Institute of Justice
W.E.B. Du Bois Program of Research on Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Justice SystemGrants.gov: 4/10/2023; JustGrants: 4/24/2023NIJ
Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice PurposesGrants.gov: 4/19/2023; JustGrants: 4/26/2023NIJ
Research on the Abuse, Neglect, and Financial Exploitation of Older AdultsGrants.gov: 4/13/2023; JustGrants: 4/27/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation of Services for Victims of CrimeGrants.gov: 4/13/2023; JustGrants: 4/27/2023NIJ
Graduate Research FellowshipGrants.gov: 4/25/2023; JustGrants: 5/2/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation for the Testing and Interpretation of Physical Evidence in Publicly Funded Forensic LaboratoriesGrants.gov: 4/26/2023; JustGrants: 5/3/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence and Mass ShootingsGrants.gov: 4/20/2023; JustGrants: 5/4/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Domestic Radicalization and Violent ExtremismGrants.gov: 4/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/8/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in PersonsGrants.gov: 4/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/8/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Violence Against WomenGrants.gov: 4/26/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on the Administration of Justice: Advancing Access to Justice 60 Years after GideonGrants.gov: 4/26/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023NIJ
National Study Examining Interpersonal Violence Experienced By Young AdultsGrants.gov: 4/28/2023; JustGrants: 5/12/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on JailsGrants.gov: 5/4/2023; JustGrants: 5/18/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on School SafetyGrants.gov: 5/8/2023; JustGrants: 5/22/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Hate CrimesGrants.gov: 5/16/2023; JustGrants: 5/30/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Sentencing and ResentencingGrants.gov: 5/16/2023; JustGrants: 5/30/2023NIJ
Tribal-Researcher Capacity-Building GrantsGrants.gov: 5/16/2023; JustGrants: 5/30/2023NIJ
Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Research, Evaluation, and Associated Training & Technical Assistance SupportGrants.gov: 5/22/2023; JustGrants: 6/5/2023NIJ
Research on Juvenile Justice TopicsGrants.gov: 5/29/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023NIJ
Youth Mentoring Research and EvaluationGrants.gov: 5/30/2023; JustGrants: 6/13/2023NIJ
Criminal Justice Technology Testing and Evaluation CenterGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Policing Practices, Accountability Mechanisms, and AlternativesGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023NIJ
Support for the Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science Scholars ProgramGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023NIJ
Research and Evaluation on Correctional Culture and ClimateGrants.gov: 8/7/2023; JustGrants: 8/21/2023NIJ
Center for Enhancing Research Capacity (CERC) at Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)Grants.gov: 12/4/2023; JustGrants: 12/18/2023NIJ
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Invited to Apply - Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants ProgramGrants.gov: 3/23/2023; JustGrants: 3/27/2023OJJDP
Enhancing Youth DefenseGrants.gov: 4/3/2023; JustGrants: 4/17/2023OJJDP
Victims of Child Abuse Act Training and Technical Assistance for Child Abuse ProfessionalsGrants.gov: 4/5/2023; JustGrants: 4/19/2023OJJDP
Arts Programs for Justice-Involved YouthGrants.gov: 4/6/2023; JustGrants: 4/20/2023OJJDP
Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program SupportGrants.gov: 4/10/2023; JustGrants: 4/24/2023OJJDP
Reducing Risk for Girls in the Juvenile Justice SystemGrants.gov: 4/10/2023; JustGrants: 4/24/2023OJJDP
Community-Based Alternatives to Youth IncarcerationGrants.gov: 4/11/2023; JustGrants: 4/25/2023OJJDP
Missing and Exploited Children Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 4/13/2023; JustGrants: 4/27/2023OJJDP
National Mentoring ProgramsGrants.gov: 4/17/2023; JustGrants: 5/1/2023OJJDP
Supporting Vulnerable and At-Risk Youth Transitioning Out of Foster CareGrants.gov: 4/19/2023; JustGrants: 5/3/2023OJJDP
Juvenile Justice System Reform and Reinvestment InitiativeGrants.gov: 4/20/2023; JustGrants: 5/4/2023OJJDP
Strategies To Support Children Exposed to ViolenceGrants.gov: 4/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/8/2023OJJDP
Strengthening ICAC Technological Investigative CapacityGrants.gov: 4/26/2023; JustGrants: 5/10/2023OJJDP
Family-Based Alternative Justice ProgramGrants.gov: 5/1/2023; JustGrants: 5/15/2023OJJDP
Enhancing School Capacity To Address Youth ViolenceGrants.gov: 5/3/2023; JustGrants: 5/17/2023OJJDP
Mentoring for Youth Affected by Opioid and Other Substance MisuseGrants.gov: 5/4/2023; JustGrants: 5/18/2023OJJDP
Juvenile Drug Treatment Court ProgramGrants.gov: 5/9/2023; JustGrants: 5/23/2023OJJDP
Supporting Effective Interventions for Youth With Problematic or Illegal Sexual BehaviorGrants.gov: 5/11/2023; JustGrants: 5/25/2023OJJDP
Opioid Affected Youth InitiativeGrants.gov: 5/16/2023; JustGrants: 5/30/2023OJJDP
Post-Secondary Education Opportunities for Child Protection ProfessionalsGrants.gov: 5/17/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023OJJDP
Mentoring Programs for Youth in the Juvenile Justice SystemGrants.gov: 5/18/2023; JustGrants: 6/1/2023OJJDP
Second Chance Act Youth Reentry ProgramGrants.gov: 5/23/2023; JustGrants: 6/5/2023OJJDP
AMBER Alert Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 5/23/2023; JustGrants: 6/6/2023OJJDP
Second Chance Act Addressing the Needs of Incarcerated Parents and Their Minor ChildrenGrants.gov: 5/30/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023OJJDP
Multistate Mentoring Programs InitiativeGrants.gov: 5/30/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023OJJDP
Eliminating Records Barriers to Youth SuccessGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023OJJDP
Family Treatment Court ProgramGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023OJJDP
Youth Violence Prevention ProgramGrants.gov: 6/12/2023; JustGrants: 6/26/2023OJJDP
Center for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Disparities (R/ED) in Juvenile JusticeGrants.gov: 7/11/2023; JustGrants: 7/25/2023OJJDP
Juvenile Justice Emergency Planning Demonstration Program for Juvenile Justice Residential FacilitiesGrants.gov: 7/24/2023; JustGrants: 8/7/2023OJJDP
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Outreach and Education Subgrants ProgramGrants.gov: 8/7/2023; JustGrants: 8/21/2023OJJDP
Title II Formula Grants ProgramGrants.gov: 8/7/2023; JustGrants: 8/21/2023OJJDP
Center for Youth Justice TransformationGrants.gov: 8/14/2023; JustGrants: 8/28/2023OJJDP
Nonparticipating States: Connecticut (2022), Nebraska (2022), Texas (2022 and 2023), Wyoming (2022 and 2023)Grants.gov: 9/15/2023; JustGrants: 10/2/2023OJJDP
Subgrants Program for State and Local Court Appointed Special Advocates OrganizationsGrants.gov: 9/25/2023; JustGrants: 10/10/2023OJJDP
Building Local Continuums of Care to Support Youth SuccessGrants.gov: 9/28/2023; JustGrants: 10/10/2023OJJDP
Office for Victims of Crime
Invited to Apply - Byrne Discretionary Community Project Funding/Byrne Discretionary Grants ProgramGrants.gov: 3/23/2023; JustGrants: 3/27/2023OVC
Improving Outcomes for Child and Youth Victims of Human TraffickingGrants.gov: 4/6/2023; JustGrants: 4/13/2023OVC
Emergency and Transitional Pet Shelter and Housing Assistance Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 4/10/2023; JustGrants: 4/17/2023OVC
National Mass Violence Victimization Resource CenterGrants.gov: 4/18/2023; JustGrants: 4/25/2023OVC
Peer-to-Peer Support for Survivors of CrimeGrants.gov: 4/18/2023; JustGrants: 4/25/2023OVC
Expanding Access to Sexual Assault Forensic ExaminationsGrants.gov: 4/20/2023; JustGrants: 4/27/2023OVC
Building Capacity of National Crisis HotlinesGrants.gov: 4/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/1/2023OVC
Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human TraffickingGrants.gov: 5/1/2023; JustGrants: 5/8/2023OVC
Services for Victims of Human TraffickingGrants.gov: 5/4/2023; JustGrants: 5/11/2023OVC
Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance ProgramGrants.gov: 5/8/2023; JustGrants: 5/15/2023OVC
Advancing the Use of Technology to Assist Victims of CrimeGrants.gov: 5/15/2023; JustGrants: 5/23/2023OVC
Preventing Trafficking of Girls Program Sites and Training and Technical AssistanceGrants.gov: 5/16/2023; JustGrants: 5/23/2023OVC
Human Trafficking Fellowship ProgramGrants.gov: 5/23/2023; JustGrants: 5/30/2023OVC
Transforming America’s Response to Elder Abuse: Enhanced Multidisciplinary Teams (E-MDTs) for Older Victims of Abuse and Financial Exploitation and T&TAGrants.gov: 5/24/2023; JustGrants: 5/31/2023OVC
Anti-Trafficking Housing Assistance Program (Services and Training and Technical Assistance)Grants.gov: 5/30/2023; JustGrants: 6/5/2023OVC
VOCA Victim Assistance Formula GrantGrants.gov: 5/30/2023; JustGrants: 6/6/2023OVC
VOCA Victim Compensation Formula GrantGrants.gov: 5/30/2023; JustGrants: 6/6/2023OVC
Enhanced Collaborative Model (ECM) Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) ProgramGrants.gov: 5/31/2023; JustGrants: 6/7/2023OVC
Culturally Responsive Victim Services FellowshipGrants.gov: 6/1/2023; JustGrants: 6/8/2023OVC
National Resource Centers for Victim Research, Evaluation, and Reaching Underserved VictimsGrants.gov: 6/1/2023; JustGrants: 6/8/2023OVC
Child Victims and Witnesses Support Materials: Outreach and Implementation ProjectGrants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023OVC
Field-Generated Solicitation: Increasing Options and Expanding Access for Victims of CrimeGrants.gov: 6/5/2023; JustGrants: 6/12/2023OVC
Invited to Apply Tribal Victim Services Set-Aside FormulaGrants.gov: 6/1/2023; JustGrants: 6/13/2023OVC
Integrated Services for Minor Victims of Human TraffickingGrants.gov: 6/6/2023; JustGrants: 6/13/2023OVC
Developing Future Victim Specialists to Serve American Indian/Alaska Native Victims of CrimeGrants.gov: 6/12/2023; JustGrants: 6/20/2023OVC
Targeted Training and Technical Assistance for VOCA Victim Assistance and Compensation AdministratorsGrants.gov: 6/20/2023; JustGrants: 6/27/2023OVC
Action Partnerships for National Membership and/or Professional Affiliation Agencies Assisting Victims in the Aftermath of CrimeGrants.gov: 6/21/2023; JustGrants: 6/28/2023OVC
Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act State-Run Hate Crime Reporting HotlinesGrants.gov: 7/11/2023; JustGrants: 7/19/2023OVC
Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking
Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant ProgramGrants.gov: 4/5/2023; JustGrants: 4/19/2023SMART
Fellowship Program: Sex Offender Registry Law Enforcement Liaison and Sexual Violence Prevention FellowshipsGrants.gov: 7/31/2023; JustGrants: 8/14/2023SMART
Closed Challenges – Fiscal Year 2023
Innovations in Measuring Community Perceptions Challenge7/31/2023NIJ

Archived Funding Opportunities

Date Created: January 31, 2024