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President Biden has appointed Karhlton F. Moore as Director of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), effective February 28, 2022.
Prior to joining BJA, Karhlton served as the Executive Director of Ohio’s Office of Criminal Justice Services where he oversaw state and federal grants for law enforcement, victim assistance, juvenile justice, crime prevention courts, anti-trafficking efforts, reentry, corrections programs, and traffic safety. In that role, he led Ohio’s grantmaking operations, advising the governor and the director of the Department of Public Safety on criminal justice strategies. He also served as the facilitator for former Ohio Governor John Kasich’s Task Force on Community-Police Relations, precursor of the Ohio Collaborative Community-Police Advisory Board, a multi-disciplinary panel that establishes standards for law enforcement agencies as part of the state’s effort to strengthen community-police relations.
Karhlton also served on the National Criminal Justice Association (NCJA) advisory council and executive committee, and was president of NCJA’s board of directors. He also served on the steering committee of the Justice Counts initiative.