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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Legal Notices

Special circumstances as to particular award conditions (updated February 20, 2024):

Whenever (in certain special circumstances) the U.S. Department of Justice ("DOJ") determines a legal notice regarding Office of Justice Programs (“OJP”) award requirements to be necessary or determines that it will not implement or enforce (in whole or in part) one or more requirements otherwise applicable to an OJP award, it is OJP's general practice to set out notice of each such determination through this "Legal Notices" webpage.  Any legal notice pertaining to award requirements that is posted through this webpage is incorporated by reference into the award.

N.B.:  Award requirements include not only award conditions, but also compliance with assurances and certifications that relate to conduct during the period of performance for the award.

Legal notice pertaining to the State of Louisiana


Pursuant to a permanent injunction issued by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, as of August 22, 2024, DOJ will not implement or enforce the disparate impact requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 placed on awards that were previously made or offered or are made or offered, in FY 2024 or thereafter, in the State of Louisiana. 


Pursuant to a preliminary injunction issued by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, as of January 23, 2024, DOJ will not implement or enforce the disparate impact requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 placed on awards that were previously made or offered (or are made or offered in FY 2024 or thereafter) to the State of Louisiana or its agencies.

Legal Notice Pertaining to FY 2023 awards (and award offers)


  • The “Applicability of Part 200 Uniform Requirements” award condition on OJP’s FY 2023 awards includes a clerical error that erroneously (but immaterially) describes the FY 2023 award as a FY 2022 award.  The fiscal year of the award is indicated by the agency approval signature date set forth in the Award Information in the Federal Award Instrument.  Recipients are to disregard the erroneous fiscal year references to “2022” in this condition.   
  • The “Compliance with general appropriations-law restrictions on the use of federal funds” condition on OJP’s FY 2023 awards includes a clerical error that erroneously refers in the title to FY 2022, and erroneously links to the OJP webpages describing restrictions pertinent to FY 2022.  The fiscal year of the award is indicated by the agency approval signature date set forth in the Award information in the Federal Award instrument.  Recipients are to disregard the erroneous fiscal year references to “2022” in this condition, and refer to the pertinent FY 2023 restrictions, including from various “general provisions” in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023, which are set out at https://www.ojp.gov/award-condition-general-appropriations-law-restrictions-use-federal-award-funds-fy-2023

As of April 22, 2021, DOJ will no longer implement or enforce certain requirements placed on awards that were previously made or offered.  Details are as set forth below in the “Legal notice pertaining to FY 2017, FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020 awards (and award offers).”

Legal notice pertaining to FY 2017, FY 2018, FY 2019, and FY 2020 awards (and award offers)


Consistent with an April 14, 2021 Attorney General memorandum, the Department of Justice has revised its guidance regarding conditions on OJP grants as described here.

Consonant with award condition #1 on affected awards, the Office of Justice Programs will no longer apply or enforce the following conditions placed on awards that were made or offered during Fiscal Years 2017-2020:

  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)
  • Information regarding Communication with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and/or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) application attachment
  • Fiscal Year 2017 award conditions:
    • "Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373" required for valid award acceptance by a "State"
    • "Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373” required for valid award acceptance by a unit of local government
    • Ongoing compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373 is required
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373; unallowable costs; obligation to notify
    • Required State-level rules or practices related to aliens; allowable costs
    • Required local-government-level rules or practices related to aliens; allowable costs
  • Fiscal Year 2018 award conditions:
    • Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644 (within the funded "program or activity") required for valid award acceptance by a "State"
    • Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644 (within the funded "program or activity") required for valid award acceptance by a local government
    • Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373 (within the funded "program or activity") required for valid award acceptance by a "State"
    • Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. 1373 (within the funded "program or activity") required for valid award acceptance by a local government
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement: 8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644; ongoing compliance
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement: 8 U.S.C. 1373; ongoing compliance
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement (8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644); unallowable costs; notification
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement (8 U.S.C. 1373); unallowable costs; notification
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  No public disclosure of certain law enforcement sensitive information
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Interrogation of certain aliens
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release
    • Requirement to collect certain information from subrecipients
    • PSN – Subrecipient DHS question requirement
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release of criminal aliens
  • Fiscal Year 2019 award conditions:
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644; ongoing compliance
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644; ongoing compliance
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373; ongoing compliance
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373; ongoing compliance
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644; unallowable costs; notification
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on no use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373 and 1644; unallowable costs; notification
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373; unallowable costs; notification
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on no use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  8 U.S.C. 1373; unallowable costs; notification
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  No public disclosure of certain law enforcement sensitive information
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  No public disclosure of certain law enforcement sensitive information
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Interrogation of certain aliens
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  Interrogation of certain aliens
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Interrogation of criminal aliens
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  Interrogation of criminal aliens
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release of criminal aliens
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release of criminal aliens
    • Requirement to collect certain information from subrecipients
  • Fiscal Year 2020 award conditions:
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  information-communication restrictions; unallowable costs; notification
    • Authority to obligate award funds contingent on no use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  information-communication restrictions; unallowable costs; notification
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  information-communication restrictions; ongoing compliance
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  information-communication restrictions; ongoing compliance
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  No public disclosure of certain law-enforcement-sensitive information
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  No public disclosure of certain law-enforcement-sensitive information
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  Notice of scheduled release
    • Noninterference (within the funded "program or activity") with federal law enforcement: Interrogation of certain aliens
    • No use of funds to interfere with federal law enforcement:  Interrogation of certain aliens
    • Requirement to collect certain information from subrecipients


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Commonwealths of—
  • States of—
       New York
       New Jersey
       Rhode Island
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of New York (New York)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Oregon
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of Portland (Oregon)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Evanston (Illinois)
  • recipients whose chief executives are members of the U.S. Conference of Mayors

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • All recipients

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Illinois

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part. If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City and County of San Francisco (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Los Angeles (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part. If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2017 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Cities of—
       Providence (Rhode Island)
       Central Falls (Rhode Island)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 52 through 56, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2017 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. § 1373

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Evanston (Illinois)
  • recipients whose chief executives are members of the U.S. Conference of Mayors

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • All recipients

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Illinois

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • States of—
  • political subdivisions (other than the City of Chicago (Illinois), including its disparate-group subrecipients) of the foregoing

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 45 and 46, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Oregon
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of Portland (Oregon)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)
  • Information regarding Communication with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and/or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) application attachment

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City and County of San Francisco (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Los Angeles (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 43 and 45 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Cities of—
       Providence (Rhode Island)
       Central Falls (Rhode Island)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Colorado

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2018 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Commonwealths of—
  • States of—
       New York
       New Jersey
       Rhode Island
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of New York (New York)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 41 through 47, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification of Compliance with 8 U.S.C. §§ 1373 & 1644
  • The FY 2018 Byrne JAG Certification Relating to 8 U.S.C. §§ 1226(a) & (c), 1231(a), 1324(a), 1357(a), & 1366(1) & (3)

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Local Law Enforcement Crime Gun Intelligence Center Integration Initiative FY2018 Solicitation" 

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Albuquerque (New Mexico)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 49 through 51, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to the City of Albuquerque, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Illinois

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Oregon
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of Portland (Oregon)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • All recipients

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Evanston (Illinois)
  • recipients whose chief executives are members of the U.S. Conference of Mayors

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • Information regarding Communication with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and/or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) application attachment

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide at least 60 days advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 34 and 37 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City and County of San Francisco (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Commonwealths of—
  • States of—
       New York
       New Jersey
       Rhode Island
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of New York (New York)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Los Angeles (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Cities of—
       Providence (Rhode Island)
       Central Falls (Rhode Island)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • OJJDP FY 2019 Title II Formula Grants Program

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 38 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part. If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide at least 60 days advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • National Institute of Justice
  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
  • Office for Victims of Crime
  • Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking

 Award(s) affected:

  • All FY 2019 awards with award condition entitled "Employment eligibility verification for hiring under the award"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award condition 9, as originally set out in the award document by OJP, when that award condition is entitled "Employment eligibility verification for hiring under the award"

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has entered into a stipulation with California regarding the scope and meaning of that award requirement, California v. Barr, No. 3:19-cv-6189-WHO, ECF No. 41 (N.D. Cal. June 3, 2020).  At this time, and while that stipulation remains in place, DOJ will act in accordance to its terms, including its term regarding 60 days advance written notice.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2019 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Colorado

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance
  • Bureau of Justice Statistics
  • National Institute of Justice
  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
  • Office for Victims of Crime
  • Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • All FY 2020 awards with award condition entitled "Employment eligibility verification for hiring under the award"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award condition 9, as originally set out in the award document by OJP, when that award condition is entitled "Employment eligibility verification for hiring under the award"

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has entered into a stipulation with California regarding the scope and meaning of that award requirement, California v. Barr, No. 3:19-cv-6189-WHO, ECF No. 41 (N.D. Cal. June 3, 2020).  At this time, and while that stipulation remains in place, DOJ will act in accordance to its terms, including its term regarding 60 days advance written notice.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Oregon
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of Portland (Oregon)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Evanston (Illinois)
  • recipients whose chief executives are members of the U.S. Conference of Mayors

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • All recipients

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part. If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Illinois

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP
  • Information regarding Communication with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and/or Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) application attachment

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide at least 60 days advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • OJJDP FY 2020 Title II Formula Grants Program

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of California

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 35 through 38, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide at least 60 days advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City and County of San Francisco (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 34 and 37 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 State Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • State of Colorado

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 State Solicitation"
  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Commonwealths of—
  • States of—
       New York
       New Jersey
       Rhode Island
  • political subdivisions of the foregoing
  • City of New York (New York)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • City of Los Angeles (California)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof. 


 OJP Program Office:

  • Bureau of Justice Assistance

 Pertinent solicitation(s):

  • "Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program FY 2020 Local Solicitation"

 Award recipient(s) affected:

  • Cities of—
       Providence (Rhode Island)
       Central Falls (Rhode Island)

 Award requirement(s) affected:

  • Award conditions 31 through 41, as originally set out in the award document by OJP

 Nature and scope of the exception as to the affected award(s):

  • DOJ's authority to require compliance with the above-listed award requirement(s) is the subject of pending litigation.  Accordingly (and consonant with award condition #1), DOJ has determined that, at this time, it will not implement or enforce those award requirement(s), unless and until the status of the litigation changes, such that DOJ determines that it may and will implement or enforce one or more of them, whether in whole or in part.  If and when that occurs, DOJ will provide advance written notice of each such determination to each affected recipient, including an indication of the effective date(s) for implementation thereof.