This report presents the results of an audit of the Office of Justice Programs Victim Assistance Funds Subawarded by the New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission to The Life Link, Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The objective of this DOJ Office of the Inspector General audit of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP) funding provided to the New Mexico Crime Victims Reparation Commission (New Mexico CVRC) to make subawards to support victim assistance programs in New Mexico was to review how The Life Link used Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funds to assist crime victims and assess whether it accounted for these funds in compliance with select award requirements, terms, and conditions. The audit concluded that The Life Link adequately provided relocation assistance and advocacy services to victims of human trafficking as well as implemented adequate financial management controls and properly spent VOCA funds on budgeted advocacy staff and relocation assistance. New Mexico CVRC awarded $476,143 in crime victim assistance funds to The Life Link under two subawards in October 2021 and October 2022. The purpose of The Life Link’s subawards was to provide relocation assistance and advocacy to victims of human trafficking. As of December 2022, New Mexico CVRC had reimbursed The Life Link for a cumulative amount of $302,235 for the subawards reviewed.
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