Presents characteristics of persons under sentence of death on December 31, 2006, and of persons executed in 2006 from the NPS-8 data collection. Tables present state-by-state information on the movement of prisoners into and out of death sentence status during 2006, status of capital statutes, and methods of execution. Numerical tables also summarize data on offenders' gender, race, Hispanic origin, age at time of arrest for capital offense, legal status at time of capital offense, and time between imposition of death sentence and execution.
The tables are based on those presented in Capital Punishment, 2005 with the following change: table 3, which reported information on minimum age authorized for capital punishment, has been discontinued and replaced with a table summarizing Federal laws providing for the death penalty (formerly Appendix Table 1).
2006 statistical tables
Table 1. Capital offenses, by State, 2006
Table 2. Method of execution, by State, 2006
Table 3. Federal capital offenses, 2006
Table 4. Prisoners under sentence of death, by region, State, and race, 2005 and 2006
Table 5. Demographic characteristics of prisoners under sentence of death, 2006
Table 6. Hispanics and women under sentence of death, by State, 2005 and 2006
Table 7. Age at time of arrest for capital offense and age of prisoners under sentence of death at yearend 2006
Table 8. Criminal history profile of prisoners under sentence of death, by race and Hispanic origin, 2006
Table 9. Number of persons executed, by jurisdiction, 1930-2006
Table 10. Executions and other dispositions of inmates sentenced to death, by race and Hispanic origin, 1977-2006
Table 11. Time under sentence of death and execution, by race, 1977-2006
Table 12. Women under sentence of death, by race and State, 12/31/06
Table 13. Persons under sentence of death, by gender, race, and Hispanic origin, 12/31/06
Table 14. Number of inmates received und
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