Eight articles feature issues and programs of correctional industries in prisons and jails throughout the United States.
In discussing ways to overcome obstacles to successful jail correctional industries, the first article compares jail work programs to prison work programs; defines and classifies jail industries; reviews the National Institute of Justice's inventory of jail work programs; suggests how to overcome specific barriers to jail industries; and discusses private-sector opportunities, partnerships, and resources. The second article describes how correctional industries help solve Hawaii's labor shortage through community work industries, traditional industries, and private sector/correctional industries joint ventures. South Carolina's successful joint venture correctional industries program is described in a third article, followed by an article that profiles New York State's use of business practices from the private sector to make its correctional industries succeed in the current competitive economic climate. The fifth article considers how the Warkworth Correctional Institution in Ontario, Canada, has adopted a variety of quality management systems to produce higher quality products in its correctional industries. Remaining articles feature Arkansas correctional industries that have teamed up with an athletic association, the themes of a conference that informed legislators about the benefits of inmate work programs, and a Kansas industrial training program that provides education and experience to inmates.
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