This toolkit created by the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants and Project Trust aims to facilitate the application of trauma-informed practices in human trafficking outreach.
The intention of this toolkit is to apply trauma-informed practices to human trafficking outreach campaigns. It offers background information on trauma-informed outreach and methods to increase outreach effectiveness and inclusivity. Human trafficking is a complex and under reported crime that significantly impacts the lives of individuals regardless of age, gender-identity, religion, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, cognitive and physical ability, race, education, ethnicity, or geographic location. Though this is a widespread crime, traffickers are systematic and less resourced groups are at a greater risk for being targeted. To ensure that all survivors are being reached, providers must utilize tailored and trauma-informed outreach strategies to connect with all who have experienced human trafficking, especially under-supported groups. This toolkit is meant for anti-trafficking service providers that have comprehensive training in client care. This toolkit offers a self-directed model to promote critical thinking when creating outreach campaigns across audience groups for purposes of awareness building, fundraising, client connection, and partner collaboration. The contents of this toolkit apply the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) trauma-informed approach principles of safety, trustworthiness, and empowerment, and identifies key considerations when creating outreach material.
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