NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2000
279 pages
This report is the transcription of the proceedings of the National Law Enforcement Summit on DNA Technology, which was attended by law enforcement officials and scientists specializing in DNA technology; the Summit's purpose was to lay the foundation for a more effective integration of DNA technology into criminal investigations.
The opening introduction by the Executive Director of the National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence reviews the efforts of this Commission to broaden and strengthen the use of DNA technology in criminal investigations. This is followed by an address by the acting Director of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), who reviews what NIJ is doing to bring progress in DNA science and technology into law enforcement work, specifically its investigative procedures. The next speaker, the Executive Assistant Chief of the Metropolitan Police Department (District of Columbia) indicates the importance of tailoring police investigative procedures to the procedures used in DNA technology. He notes that evidence collection and preservation procedures must comply with the parameters for DNA analysis. These addresses lead into presentations and discussions about "DNA Databases: A Powerful Tool for Law Enforcement in the 21st Century;" "Educating Law Enforcement" about the features, uses, and processing of DNA evidence in relation to the conduct of criminal investigations; "Postconviction DNA Testing: The Implications for Law Enforcement;" and the "Defense Bar Perspective" on the importance of the use of valid DNA evidence as the basis for arrests, case disposition, and postconviction appeals. Day two of the Summit continues the format of presentations and discussions on the following themes: "Police and Prosecutors: Maximizing the Value of DNA;" "Legislative Considerations for Promoting Forensic DNA;" and "Law Enforcement and the Crime Laboratory: Working Together to Solve Crimes."
Date Published: July 1, 2000
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