Reports the number of inmates in State and Federal prisons and local jails at midyear 1999, the total incarceration rate per 100,000 residents in each State, the amount and percent change for the year and since 1990, and the direction of the trends. The report also provides the number of persons supervised by jail authorities outside of jail facilities, in programs such as electronic monitoring, house detention, community service, or work release. The report provides estimates of the rate of incarceration in prison and jail, by gender, race/Hispanic origin and age at midyear 1999.
From yearend 1990 to midyear 1999--
- The rate of incarceration increased from 1 in every 218 U.S. residents to 1 in every 147.
- State, Federal, and local governments had to accommodate an additional 83,743 inmates per year (or the equivalent of 1,610 new inmates per week).
In the year ending June 30, 1999--
- The number of inmates held in jail rose by 13,481, in State prison by 34,238, and in Federal prison by 10,614. The rate of increase was the lowest since 1979 (prisons) and 1996 (jails).
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