This training manual for corrections agencies being resourced under the federal Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Initiative provides tools and information to assist RSAT administrators, staff, and correctional clinical care providers in pre-release planning for RSAT clients.
The manual provides instruction in three tasks that are the key to effective pre-release planning for RSAT participants: 1) collaborating with other justice professionals; 2) transitioning RSAT clients to continuing care in the community after release; and 3) partnering with community agencies to ensure that RSAT clients connect with appropriate maintenance and treatment services. Once RSAT clients have completed the core phases of treatment while incarcerated, practical reentry needs must be addressed. These needs include housing, employment, and healthcare. Aspects of pre-release planning discussed in this manual include the identification of and enrollment in benefit programs; arrangements for behavioral health services; contact with an assigned agent or officer; child welfare and family services; arrangement of contact with a faith community and constructive leisure activities; and drug overdose/relapse prevention and risk reduction. To facilitate addressing these issues immediately upon release, the development of a detailed 72-hour plan for initial post-release actions is recommended. Checklists and sample models are included in the manual. 64 references
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