This evaluation of panoramic imaging technologies used for digital crime scene documentation compared three different technologies in assessing the capabilities, requirements, benefits, and challenges of each technology.
The three technologies selected for evaluation were the SceneVision-Panorama by 3rd Tech; the MK-3 by Panoscan; and the ScanStation C10 by Leica Geostation. The evaluation indicates that all three of the panoramic imaging technologies add distinct and tangible short-term and long-term value to criminal investigation. The evaluation compared the following features of the three technologies: hardware, cost, and training; set-up and calibration; data capture; image capture; software requirements and processing; and presentation preparation. A summary of the evaluation findings for each of these features of each technology is presented in a table. Using this information, agencies should be able to assess their specific needs, operation, and fiscal capabilities, so as to make an informed decision on the most appropriate equipment to purchase. These panoramic imaging technologies improve the quality and organization of crime scene documentation by providing fluid, high-resolution scans with embedded photographs. They also allow agencies to provide more detailed documentation of the crime scene and improve evidence collection rates. In addition, digital documentation of a crime scene facilitates the analysis and spatial reconstruction of a crime scene past the initial documentation phase. This report recommends that before making a purchase, an agency should have the vendors perform demonstrations on site in both simple and complex scenarios that are relevant to the agency. 5 tables, 5 references, and appended information on adopting a new technology, contact information, and images from the evaluation
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