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Analysis of Colorado State Board of Parole Decision, FY 2012 Report

NCJ Number
Kevin L. Ford, Ph.D.; Anthony P. Young, Psy.D.; Patricia A. Waak, M.A.
Date Published
November 2012
163 pages
This report presents information on the work of the Colorado State Board of Parole during fiscal year 2012.
As mandated by State law, the Colorado State Board of Parole is required to "develop and implement a process to collect and analyze data related to the basis for and the outcomes of the Board's parole decisions." In addition, the State's Division of Criminal Justice is required to work with the Board to develop an administrative release guideline instrument for use by the Parole Board in evaluating inmate's applications for parole. This report provides updates on the work of the Board for the period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 dealing with the following items: the processes developed to collect Parole Board decision data; the development of the Parole Board Release Guidelines Instrument (PBRGI); findings from a validity study; and next steps and challenges facing the Board. The report discusses three projects that will be used to collect parole hearing data - the Parole Board Application Hearing Automation Project, the Parole Release Guideline Project, and the Parole Revocation Guideline Project, as well as the work being done on the PBRGI. The results of a validity study that was conducted to estimate the predictive validity of the PBRGI are also presented in the report. Tables, figures, and appendixes