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Classification in Correctional Halfway Houses - The Relative and Incremental Predictive Criterion Validities of the Megargee-MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) and LSI (Level of Supersision Inventory) Systems

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Dated: (March 1986) Pages: 33-46
L L Motiuk; J Bonta; D A Andrews
Date Published
14 pages
There were two offender classification systems, the Megargee MMPI-based Typology and Level of Supervision Inventory (LSI), examined to determine their relative efficacy in identifying incarcerated offenders from a maximum-security setting for correctional halfway houses.
Classifications by the two systems were compared with respect to incremental validity and predictive accuracy for (1) halfway house outcome and (2) postprogram incarceration. Analyses revealed no significant differences with respect to halfway house outcome and reincarceration between low- and high-risk offenders classified by the MMPI. Significant differences, however, were found between low- and high-risk offenders classified by the LSI system. Additional analyses revealed that only a small proportion of the variance in halfway house outcome could be accounted for by the Megargee MMPI-based system when delineating 'predator' and 'nonpredator' offender types. (Publisher abstract)


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