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Current Criminal Justice Projects Here and Abroad

NCJ Number
International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1980) Pages: 49-55
C M Unkovic; A G Hess
Date Published
7 pages
The article describes a few of the 1,000 projects begun in 1977, 1978, and 1979 that are concerned with criminal justice, both in the United States and abroad.
Most of the information about projects in the United States came from the files of the Smithsonian Science Information Exchange (SSIE). Projects from SSIE included 331 for 1977, 110 for 1978, and 8 for part of 1979. Projects deal with a variety of topics, including the role of eyewitness identifications in recent murder trials; hyperactive adults, treated and untreated; self-reported delinquency; and collection and analysis of statistics via planning agencies. Other projects deal with American Indians, elderly victimization assistance, prevention (especially of delinquency), and prediction of court caseloads. Other areas for which research has been undertaken cover rape and sexual assault; drug abuse, including alcoholism; and international comparative studies focusing on pretrial detention, British criminal justice models, and measurement of individual risk of becoming a victim. Other international projects are concerned with rehabilitation methods and techniques in Egypt, victim-complainant's experience in the criminal process, and the effectiveness of special Tasmanian programs to reduce the temptation to steal in mentally retarded young persons.