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Data Driven Strategies to Improve Outreach and Treatment Access: Ross County Health District Partnership Project

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2021
4 pages

This report describes the data analysis and resulting data-driven strategies developed by the Ross County Health District (Ohio) to better provide outreach and treatment for persons with substance-use disorders.


The Ross County Health District (RCHD) is one of the six local communities funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance Partnership to Support Data-Driven Responses Demonstration Project. Ross County is in the Appalachian region of southern Ohio. All partnership sites were required to participate in a planning phase to collect and analyze data to inform improvement in rapid access to drug treatment. This report outlines the data-collection activities on which the analysis of need and services was conducted. The project established organizational structures that supported cross-sector collaboration. The structure included an executive leadership group, a data-focused group, and a stakeholder group to guide data analysis and prioritize responses. The response included conducting a public awareness and education campaign to expand awareness and use of peer recovery support services and community treatment and resource options. In addition to the education campaign, the response involved an expansion of services for cases of drug overdoses and treatment supports. The project also included improvements in data collection, which facilitated the identification of health needs and the effectiveness of treatment services.