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Evaluation of the Use of Parole Guidelines by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles

NCJ Number
M Eisenberg; S D Hughes; P Martinez
Date Published
22 pages
This is a report from the Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council evaluating use of parole guidelines by the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles.
The Board of Pardons and Paroles was not fully and consistently using parole guidelines, had not reviewed and updated parole guidelines factors, and was hampered in using guidelines by deficient computerization. The Board should update parole guidelines by updating the offense severity factors and weights in the Parole Score; determining the validity of risk factors and revising weights in the Parole Score; updating minimum time served calculations; and accounting for offenders returned to prison for technical parole violations. In addition, the Board needs to have training sessions for board members; needs to determine if parole guidelines should incorporate new factors related to successful inmate participation in the In-Prison Therapeutic Community Program; and needs to design a computerized management information system that facilitates use of parole guidelines. Figures, tables, appendix