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Hate Crime, Cyber Security and the Experience of Crime Among Children: Findings From the 2010/11 British Crime Survey

NCJ Number
Deborah Lader; Jacqueline Hoare; Ivy Lau
Kevin Smith
Date Published
March 2012
84 pages
This statistical bulletin was prepared by the United Kingdom Home Office and presents findings from the 2010-2011 British Crime Survey regarding hate crime, cybersecurity, and the experiences of crime among children.
Highlights from this supplementary volume to Crime in England and Wales 2010/11 include the following: in 2009-2010 and 2010-2011, the British Crime Survey (BCS) reported that .5 percent of adults were victims of hate crime in the 12 months prior to the interview; and the victim's race was reported to be the most common motivation for committing a hate crime. Additional findings include the fact that in the 2010/11 BCS, 78 percent of adults reported using the Internet in the previous year, with men having higher levels of usage than women (81 percent and 75percent, respectively); and 44 percent of adults who used the Internet to buy goods were worried about security, while only 37 percent of adults who used the Internet for managing finances were worried about security. Highlights of findings on violent incidents against children include the following: 56 percent of violent incidents experienced by children took place in or around schools, while 30 percent of violent incidents experienced by adults took place on the street; and the majority (89 percent) of violent incidents against children took place on a weekday and during the day, whereas adults tended to experience violent incidents during the evening or at night (67 percent). The data in this supplemental volume covers three topics: the extent of and perceptions towards hate crime, use of the Internet and cybersecurity, and experimental statistics on the experience of crime among children aged 10 to 15 years. Tables, figures, appendixes, and bibliography