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Juvenile Justice- and Dual System-Involved Youth: The Role of Primary Caregiver Monitoring Habits on Juvenile Recidivism

NCJ Number
Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Dated: 2022
Alyssa LaBerge; Caitlin Cavanagh; Elizabeth Cauffman
Date Published

This paper describes a research study to analyze the impacts of primary caregivers’ actions on juvenile recidivism; it provides an overview of the research methodology, results, and implications for parental monitoring habit education practices.


The objective of this study was to test whether primary caregivers' monitoring habits protect against recidivism among juvenile justice and dual system youth and whether dual system contact moderates the relation between monitoring habits and recidivism. Among a sample of 519 male adolescents, logistic regression analyses were conducted assessing the relation between primary caregiver effort, knowledge, and monitoring on violent, non- violent, and overall self-reported recidivism six months following their first arrest.  Primary caregiver knowledge moderately protected against all forms of juvenile recidivism, regardless of whether youth had prior child welfare system contact. Dual system youth were less likely to engage in non-violent and overall recidivism than those without prior child welfare system contact. Dual system contact did not moderate the relation between monitoring habits and recidivism. Results suggest that primary caregiver knowledge is protective against recidivism among male juvenile justice and dual system involved youth, although the present study was limited in providing detailed information regarding child welfare system contact and maltreatment. Results support parental monitoring habit education in child welfare and juvenile justice systems to reduce adolescent recidivism. (Published Abstract Provided)