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National Directory of Children, Youth and Family Services 1999-2000

NCJ Number
Date Published
1040 pages
This national directory lists the names, addresses, and phone numbers of Federal, State, and local agencies and organizations that directly or indirectly provide services for children, youth, and families.
Part I is a guide to services under the jurisdictions of States, counties, and cities. State-level information indicates how each State's social/human services, health services, and juvenile justice agencies operate. Each State is divided by county or city. The categories of services within the counties are social services, health services, juvenile justice agencies, educational services, and special services agencies. Part II assists users in locating Federal administrators and policymakers of programs that assist children, youth, and young adults and their families. This section includes listings of national resource centers and clearinghouses, which offer support in setting up programs, training, and related services available to caregiving agencies; national organizations, which provide nationwide networking services for children, youth, and families; runaway youth centers, which include shelters for runaway and homeless youth; and Armed Services YMCA of the USA, a listing of the Armed Services YMCA support centers that offer social services to young military families and single service members. Part III is an easy-to-use guide to specialized services and products for professionals and families.