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Notifiable Offences, England and Wales, July 1991 to June 1992

NCJ Number
Home Office Statistical Bulletin Issue: 31/92 Dated: (October 28, 1992) Pages: complete issue
Date Published
16 pages
From July 1991 through June 1992, the police in England and Wales recorded 5.5 crimes, an increase of 11 percent over the previous 12 months.
Ninety-four percent were crimes against property, and 5 percent were violent crimes. Violent crime increased by 9 percent from the preceding year and included a 7-percent rise in violence against the person and a 24-percent rise in robberies. More than half of all recorded crimes involved auto theft, theft from vehicles, or burglary. Recorded crime increased in all police force areas except Bedfordshire and the City of London. These data compare with the British Crime Survey's estimate of more than 6 million offenses of burglary, vehicle, or bicycle thefts or thefts from the person and 800,000 offenses of wounding or robbery. Figures, tables, and notes


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