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Officer Disarmings and Revolver Retention - 5 Years Later

NCJ Number
FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin Volume: 50 Issue: 9 Dated: (September 1981) Pages: 16-21
J W Lindell
Date Published
6 pages
This article describes the revolver retention system of training instituted by the Kansas City Police Department (Missouri) in August 1976.
Revolver retention techniques differ from defensive tactics in that the former are gun defense-oriented rather than person defense-oriented. If the techniques are thoroughly learned and properly applied, personal defense becomes a natural consequence of the procedure. The revolver retention system involves a three-step integrated action sequence. The three steps are basically to (1) secure the gun, (2) assume a position that offers the greatest opportunity to exert maximum leverage and physical stress against the attacker and thus insure that the release is accomplished, and (3) release with the appropriate technique. The system entails learning several holstered-gun security grips, dominant and weak-hand grab techniques, and techniques for drawn-gun control. Detailed explanations of the system and photographs of techniques being applied supplement the text.