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Overview of UAA Justice Center Violence against Women Research

NCJ Number
André B. Rosay
Date Published
48 pages

This slideshow presentation provides an overview of key results from Justice Center research on violence against women in Alaska, including studies on sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence through February 2009.


This presentation of key results from Justice Center research on violence against women in Alaska provides an overview of national data on forcible rape from Uniform Crime Reports (UCR), as well as state and local data from Alaska Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Study, Alaska State Trooper (AST) Study, Anchorage Police Department (APD) Studies, and Department of Law (DOL) Studies. The presentation provides context for violence against women in Alaska compared to the national rates, as well as the context of violent crime rates in general; it describes the sequence of case progression from the initial report to law enforcement, referral for prosecution, acceptance for prosecution, and conviction. The data presented in the form of bar and pie charts depicts the gender of victims versus suspects, the race of victims and suspects, the ages of sexual assault victims and suspects, rates of alcohol use based on location as well as among victims versus suspects. Legal resolutions are also discussed, with charts contrasting resolutions by race, by Bush Stratum, and by isolation. The presentation finishes with a list of four effective strategies for addressing these issues: enhancing local paraprofessional police presence; strengthening local alcohol prohibitions; enhancing investigation capacity; and promoting access to sexual assault nurse examiners.