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Overview of the Volunteer Services Program of the Lucas County (OH) Adult Probation Department

NCJ Number
Date Published
6 pages
The organization and job descriptions of volunteers in the Lucas County Adult Probation Department (Ohio) are discussed.
Volunteers work in a number of roles to supplement the client services provided by the probation department. Volunteer probation officers work with medium-risk probationers; volunteer case managers work with low-risk probationers whose main contact with the probation office is through written reports; administrative volunteers perform administrative tasks ranging from specialized research to general administrative assistance. The volunteer director is responsible for all volunteer activities and functions as part of an administrative team with the other department supervisors. Recruitment efforts aim at obtaining volunteers who represent the entire community and come from a variety of backgrounds. Training and orientation are conducted for each volunteer role, and in-service training is also provided. Probation officers directly supervise the volunteers' work, providing the assignments, consultation on cases, and evaluation of the volunteers' performance.