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Paralegal Manual for Prisoner Advocacy: A Training and Reference Guide

NCJ Number
R C Hauhart
Date Published
68 pages
This manual is intended for use by paralegals who work with Federal prisoners on issues relating to their conditions of confinement and parole.
Some sections are also applicable to work with State prisoners. An overview of paralegal practice explains the role of the paralegal in the context of the attorney-client relationship, the role of the paralegal in assisting the attorney, the process of interviewing clients and determining facts, methods of finding out what the client wants, and methods of finding the law. A discussion of Federal law on prisoners' rights focuses on the administrative remedy system in the Bureau of Prisons; rights under the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 14th amendments; the provisions of the Federal Tort Claims Act; and methods of dealing with a detainer. Procedural law applicable to the Federal courts is also summarized. Glossary, index, and appendixes containing a chart describing the U.S. Supreme Court Annotated Notes System and a list of case citations.


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