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Proactive Pursuit Policies

NCJ Number
Law and Order Volume: 51 Issue: 7 Dated: July 2003 Pages: 131-133
Tom Witczak
Date Published
July 2003
3 pages
This article explains the provisions of the Wisconsin law pertinent to law enforcement vehicle pursuit policies in the State.

Wisconsin Act 88 has six key provisions that set parameters for police pursuit policies. The act created a law enforcement pursuits standards council, requires reporting on all police pursuits, mandates pursuit training for officers, establishes model standards for pursuits, requires written guidelines for pursuits, and increases the penalty for attempting to elude a law enforcement officer. The training mandate requires that all officers, full-time and part-time, participate in a minimum of 4 hours of pursuit training every 2 years. Failure to do so results in the officer being decertified. The model standards contained in the act encompass the following subjects: initiation of a pursuit, continuation of a pursuit, termination of a pursuit, supervisory responsibilities of a pursuit, pursuit tactics and techniques, multijurisdictional pursuits, the use of forcible stops, pursuit debriefings, and informing and training agency personnel. The law further requires that all law enforcement agencies review and update their policy and procedures for pursuits on each even-numbered year.


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