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Progress Report on Measuring Recovery in Abused Women

NCJ Number
M S Smart; J E Dewey; M S Goodman
Date Published
10 pages
Differences between abused and nonabused women in the United States and New Zealand were studied.
American abused women were clients of the Women's Resource Center in South County, R.I., while New Zealand abused women were clients of the Palmerston North Women's Refuge. The sample included 53 abused and 53 control U.S. subjects and 10 abused and 69 control New Zealand subjects who all ranged in age from 25 to 32 years. Significantly more of the controls were married, and most subjects had completed high school. It was found that abused women in South County differed significantly from nonabused women in such categories as self-esteem, assertiveness, trust, and identity. Significant differences were also found between the New Zealand groups in terms of self-esteem, trust, and identity. The New Zealand control group ranked below the U.S. control group in all comparisons, but abused women from both countries did not differ substantially on any study measure. Additional research is suggested to determine if the responses of abused women as they recover will become more like those of nonabused women. 19 references, 3 tables.


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