The first step to recovery is entitled "Heal Your Injuries." This step involves committing to physical healing by consulting with and following medical directions, both while in and after leaving the hospital. Regarding mental attitude, this step cautions against blaming oneself for the injuries and urges having confidence in one's ability to recover from the victimization's physical injuries. The second step in recovery is entitled "Apply for Crime Victim Compensation." This step focuses on victim efforts to access legally mandated financial compensation to cover financial losses and recovery expenses directly caused by the crime. The third step is entitled "Understand Your Rights." The rights emphasized pertain to police protection from threats and harm by an accused defendant in the crime; the right to be informed about case processing in the criminal justice system; the right to be present at case legal proceedings; and the right to comment on plea bargains in the case. The fourth step is entitled "Recognize Your Feelings," which advises victims to accept as normal disturbing thoughts and feelings that stem from a traumatic victimization.
Recovering From Crime: Steps for the Physically Injured Victim
NCJ Number
Date Published
July 2006
2 pages
This online brochure, which was developed to accompany the DVD entitled "Recovering From Your Crime-Related Injuries," outlines four steps in addressing the physical injuries, mental stress, financial costs, and rights that stem from being a crime victim.