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Roadmap to Violence Against Women Research: The NIJ Compendium

NCJ Number
Date Published
August 2021
3 pages

This Compendium is a “roadmap” to hundreds of federally funded research projects conducted between 1993 and 2020 that address some aspect of violence against women.


The U.S. Justice Department’s National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has arranged, funded, and distributed the reports on the findings and methodologies of these research projects. This Compendium provides online access to each research project, listed by grant number and grouped under the following topics in relation to violence against women: 1) justice and related systems that address violence against women in the criminal justice domain; 2) definition and measurement of violence against women; 3) epidemiology; 4) social and cultural content; 5) trafficking in persons; 6) evaluations of the implementation of the provisions of the federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA); 7) synthesis of existing information on violence against women;  8) NIJ jointly funded projects that address violence against women; 9) violence against Indian women; and 10) special research projects related to violence against women.