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Video analytics for force protection

NCJ Number
Peter H. Tu; Glen W. Brooksby; Gianfranco Doretto; Donald W. Hamilton; Nils Krahnstoever ; J. Brandon Laflen ; Xiaoming Liu; Kedar A. Patwardhan; Thomas Sebastian; Yan Tong; Jilin Tu; Frederick W. Wheeler; Christopher M. Wynnyk ; Yi Yao ; Ting Yu
Date Published
21 pages

This chapter presents a collection of intelligent video technologies that can be adapted for troop and military installation protection.


Troop and military installation protection requires that modern computer vision methods be harnessed to enable a comprehensive approach to contextual awareness. These technologies include aerial analysis for object detection and tracking, site-wide tracking from networks of fixed video cameras, person detection from moving platforms, biometrics at a distance, and facial analysis for the purposes of inferring intent. The authors hypothesize that a robust approach to troop protection will require the synthesis of all these technologies into a comprehensive system of systems. (Publisher abstract provided)