Based on data collected before the COVID-19 pandemic, this 2020 report continues two decades of collaboration by federal agencies in collecting and analyzing data that improve understanding of the needs of the nation’s children and what may be needed to improve their lives.
The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics (Forum) was chartered in 1997 by an executive order to foster collaboration among 23 federal agencies that produce and use statistics on children and families. In addition to efforts to improve the data collected by these agencies, the Forum publishes a report that compiles measures of children’s well-being, based on the most reliable federal statistics. The Forum has identified 41 indicators that pertain to the well-being of children. These indicators are in the domains of Family and Social Environment, Economic Circumstances, Health Care, Physical Environment and Safety, Behavior, Education, and Health. Depending on data availability, the Forum updates the 41 indicators annually on its website and alternately publishes a detailed report that highlights selected indicators. This current 2020 report contains data on the following types of factors: demographic characteristics of the population; physical characteristics of natural and built environments; economic activity and conditions; social and cultural factors; community institutions, resources, and services; and health and wellness. The report discusses geographic classifications, race and ethnicity measures, and statistical significance analyses used in the report. 22 figures
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