NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2008
2 pages
This Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) Bulletin provides information on the State of Vermont's development of a Victim Assistance Academy (VAA).
The development of the academy was supported by OVC's Victim Services (VS2000) Grant, a demonstration project that focused on a strategy to support community implementation of comprehensive, collaborative victim services. The strategy employed by Vermont for developing its VAA included a 1-day collaborative meeting, establishing an academy format suitable for the State, finding an academic partnership that worked, forming a collaborative curriculum subcommittee, working with the advisory group, working with trainers, having quality support along all phases of development, adapting the text, recruiting participants, establishing logistical arrangements, and planning for sustainability. A link to sample documents, worksheets, and other resources is also included in the bulletin.
Date Published: April 1, 2008
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