This article describes the research methodology, results, and conclusions from a study that examined the association between economic resilience-related protective factors, polystrengths, and resources, and economic self-sufficiency among survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV).
The resilience portfolio model is a conceptual framework that provides a more holistic understanding of the protective factors, collectively considered polystrengths, that promote resilience among survivors of trauma. Polystrengths are the range of strengths individuals possess that allow them to cope with adversity. Guided by the resilience portfolio model and the construct of polystrengths, this study examined the association between economic resilience–related protective factors, polystrengths, and resources on economic self-sufficiency among survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV). Data from this study came from a cross-sectional online survey administered via Qualtrics research service in July 2022. This study sample includes 330 survivors, who screened positive for IPV using the Extended—Hurts, Insult, Threaten, Scream screening tool. Survivors were asked about their sociodemographic characteristics, access to resources, experiences with adversities (i.e., IPV and material hardship), along with six economic resilience–related protective factors representing three resilience portfolio model domains—regulatory strengths, interpersonal strengths, and meaning making. Polystrengths was uniquely associated with economic self-sufficiency after controlling for other factors. Specifically, three regulatory strengths—economic self-efficacy, coping, and financial knowledge—were significantly and positively related to economic self-sufficiency. Two resources—social capital and childhood financial socialization—were positively related to economic self-sufficiency as well. Findings provide empirical support for the benefit of polystrengths in the context of economic resilience for survivors of IPV. As such, strengths-based approaches, particularly those that promote regulatory strengths, may increase the effectiveness of economic empowerment interventions, such as financial literacy, for survivors. (Published Abstract Provided)
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