This Service Specification package provides the files and documents necessary for stakeholders to gain an understanding of the Juvenile Education History Query/Response Service, and the rules applicable to its implementation; the main components of the Service Specification are the Service Description and Service Interface Description documents, artifacts and schema folders with related files, as well as metadata files.
The Service Description Document (SDD) provides stakeholders with all aspects of the Juvenile Education History Query/Response Service (JEHQRS) that are not directly tied to the physical implementation of the service, while the Service Interface Description Document (SIDD) provides a description of the physical implementation of the JEHQRS. The JEHQRS is designed to support the sharing of educational background information between juvenile justice decision makers who are typically responsible for performing youth risk assessments and State Educational Agencies (SEA); it allows a requesting juvenile justice-related entity to request educational history information for a specific student from a SEA in conjunction with an intake assessment, which is typically performed upon intake. The SDD lays out the Service overview, including scope, capabilities, real-world effects, security classification, service specification package version, and more; it also provides Service interoperability requirements, including Service assumptions and dependencies, policies and contracts, security, and other requirements; as well as service model information, including behavior and information models. The SIDD in this Service Package provides a companion document to the JEHQRS Service Description Document. It provides execution context such as reachability and intermediaries; Service interaction requirements; interface description requirements; message exchange patterns and definition mechanisms; policies and contracts, including automated and nonautomated service contracts, and umbrella agreements; security and privacy information; and service testing.
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