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Offender Programs Evaluation

NCJ Number
Date Published
156 pages

This document provides program descriptions and outcomes of various programs aimed at addressing several types of criminal activity; it discusses analytic procedures, specific program data, study limitations, and future program evaluation issues.


This evaluation report examines various programs and their output, or process, data, providing a statistical review of offender program participation for a five-year period from fiscal year (FY) 2004 through FY 2008. Outcome, or recidivism, data begins with FY 1992 and extends through FY 2008. Information is provided for each of the following programs: Sex Offender Treatment; Substance Abuse Treatment, including alcohol, chemical dependency recovery, and substance abuse treatment for females; Academic Education; Special Education; Vocational Education; Transitional Training Program; Pre-Release Reintegration Program; Work Release Program, with recidivism data from FY 1995-2008, only; and InnerChange(TM) Program, with recidivism data only covering FY 2000-2008. The report provides the five evaluation questions that were used for each of the programs, which discuss program rationale and operational history; purpose, goals, and objectives; output quantification; outcome quantification; and an examination of data-driven future analysis to encourage an ongoing evaluation process.

Date Published: January 1, 2009