Following a review of general application procedures, review processes, and award requirements, this document presents 13 National Institute of Justice program announcements for fiscal year 1989.
Programs offered by the Office of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Research deal with apprehension, prosecution, and adjudication of criminal offenders; public safety and security; offender punishment and control; crime victims; and white collar and organized crime. The Center for Crime Control Research has programs considering criminal careers and crime control; drug, alcohol, and crime; forensic science and criminal justice technology; offender classification and prediction of criminal behavior; and violent criminal behavior. In addition, visiting, graduate research, and summer research fellowships are available. Descriptions of other programs are provided including those dealing with drug interdiction and trafficking, data resources, human development and criminal behavior, research applications, technical assistance, and technology assessment. Individual program announcements discuss the scope and objectives of the program, provide deadline and other information, and list related recent grants. Application forms and instructions are appended.
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