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Education and Training of Mediators (From Divorce and Family Mediation, P 118-127, 1985, James C Hansen, ed. - See NCJ-100688)

NCJ Number
E Koopman
Date Published
10 pages
This study considers the comprehensive foundations of divorce mediation, the development of divorce mediation curricula, the current status of education and training programs, and critical contemporary issues.
Mediation education uniquely combines multiple interdisciplinary components and instructs prospective mediators in applying these components in the formulation and testing of mediation agreements. Divorce mediation education and training is predicated on the determination of essential knowledge bases, the delineations of applied skills, programs that produce competency in critical areas, and the implementation of relevant research. The sequence of education and training for divorce mediators is the acquisition of basic substantive knowledge, skill development via simulations, supervised practicum experiences, and continuing professional development. Although it is premature to predict the development pattern of academic programs in divorce mediation, current curricular patterns are the limited coverage of mediation topics in traditional courses, a one-semester course, and four or more courses plus supporting courses. Challenges that must be addressed in mediator education include the development of professional relationships in an interdisciplinary field and the creation of research studies to evaluate the efficacies of educational programs. Tabular data and 28 references.


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