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Enhancing Response to Victims: A Formative Evaluation of OVC's Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services (LEV) Program: Summary Results from Phase One of the Formative Evaluation

NCJ Number
Elizabeth Tibaduiza; Kelle Barrick; Paige Presler-Jur; Amy Durall
Date Published
June 2022
32 pages

This summary report provides an overview of phase one of the Formation Evaluation of the Law Enforcement-Based Victim (LEV) Services program, and describes the LEV Inventory and Typology of LEV Programs, developed from the authors’ initial results.


The authors of this document report on phase one of the Formation Evaluation of the Law Enforcement-Based Victim (LEV) Services Program, which was developed by the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) in response to the need to expand and enhance law enforcement responses to crime victims. The authors lay out the reasons and approach to the Formative Evaluation; LEV Program Inventory, aimed at helping agencies implement law enforcement-based victim services programs; Typology of LEV programs, noting three key programmatic characteristics of agency size, program type, and supervisor type; and next steps. The authors also provide data tables, in Appendix C, that give a comprehensive overview of the evaluation survey results and will inform phase two of the evaluation.