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Global Reference Architecture (GRA) Framework, Version 1.9.1

NCJ Number
Date Published
November 2012
43 pages

This report seeks to provide a resource for a technical audience, delivering background and concepts necessary for the implementation of Service-Oriented Architecture.


This framework document provides the foundational concepts required for the implementation of Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA); it is intended to provide a complete architectural framework for people with previous knowledge of technical architecture, SOA, and supporting industry standards, such as Web services. The Global Reference Architecture (GRA) laid out in this document is derived from the OASIS Reference Model for Service-Oriented Architecture. The document provides an introduction to Global Justice Information Sharing Initiative’s SOA initiative, the GRA graphical overview, concepts and relationships, reconciliation of architecture with principles, elaboration of service interaction requirements, a glossary and list of references, as well as a document history.