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Operation Weed and Seed

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2005
10 pages
This paper provides an overview of the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Community Capacity Development Office, Operation Weed and Seed and a listing of the more than 300 Weed and Seed project sites.
Operation Weed and Seed, a community-based initiative supported under the U.S. Department of Justice, Officer of Justice Programs, Community Capacity Development Office is an innovative and comprehensive multi-agency approach to law enforcement, crime prevention, and community revitalization. The strategy of Operation Weed and Seed is to prevent, control, and reduce violent crime, drug abuse, and gang activity in targeted high-crime neighborhoods throughout the country. In fiscal year 2003, approximately 300 communities used funding from the Community Capacity Development Office. Many Weed and Seed sites have received support form Federal, State, and local agencies, and the private sector. Evaluations are performed to ensure that the Weed and Seed strategy is working in the sites. Original sites were required to carry out a local evaluation. National evaluations include the national process evaluation by the Institute for Social Analysis in 1995 and the national impact evaluation of the program by Abt Associates in 1999. A listing is provided of all funded and/or officially recognized Weed and Seed sites.