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Regional Prosecutors Information System - Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
8 pages
This report summarizes the progress achieved by Colorado's Prosecutors' Management Information System (PROMIS) as of January 1980, describes its expansion plans, and delineates the system's benefits.
PROMIS operates on a daily basis in some 35 locations throughout 18 counties which are responsible for over 52 percent of all adult felony cases and 45 percent of all juvenile cases in the States. It enjoys an excellent local reputation, and its success has attracted national attention. A review of future plans focuses on the need for a larger host computer and efforts to integrate all law enforcement computerized information systems. Problems encountered by PROMIS are identified, although the report emphasizes that growth has been geometrical since the system was stabilized in July 1980. In all nine judicial districts, cases enter the PROMIS data base as they are screened and the system routinely prints court dockets, prosecutor schedules, courtroom schedules, and courtroom reports by judge on a weekly basis. Statistics on subpoena processing with PROMIS are presented as evidence of the system's cost effectiveness. Benefits that result from many jurisdictions sharing a data base are detailed, such as locating witnesses and suspects and facilitating shifts in venue. Improved cooperation between district attorneys' offices is cited as the greatest single advantage offered by PROMIS. Reports produced by PROMIS are listed.