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Standards for Small Jail Facilities

NCJ Number
Date Published
99 pages
This document contains standards published by the American Correctional Association (ACA) regarding accreditation guidelines for small jails, i.e., those housing 50 inmates or less.
These small jail standards are used by the ACA auditor during the on-site visit that confirms information contained in the facility's application for accreditation and self-evaluation report. To receive accreditation, a facility must meet 100 percent of the mandatory standards and 90 percent of the nonmandatory standards. The 12 mandatory standards pertain to safety and emergency procedures, security and control, food service, sanitation and hygiene, and health care services. The nonmandatory standards cover areas ranging from administration, personnel, and fiscal management, to inmate records, physical plant, special management inmates, inmate rights, classification, inmate programs, and release preparation. 5 appendixes