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3.13 Unallowable Costs


Federal awards generally provide recipients and/or subrecipients with the funds necessary to cover costs associated with the award program. There are other costs, however, categorized as unallowable costs, that will not be reimbursed. Non-Federal entities must not use award or match funding for unallowable costs. Also within the category of unallowable costs are any costs considered inappropriate by your awarding agency. See 2 C.F.R. ?? 200.31 (Disallowed Costs).

Standard unallowable costs are identified in 2 C.F.R. ?? 200, Subpart E - Cost Principles. (For-profit entities and hospitals follow different cost principles ??? see FAR 31.2, and 2 C.F.R. Part 200b Appendix IX, respectively). Specific items of unallowable costs that may be of particular relevance for DOJ-funded programs are highlighted below.