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3.7 Property Standards

Real Property Acquired With Federal Funds

Real property means land, including land improvements, structures and appurtenances thereto, but excludes moveable machinery and equipment. See 2 C.F.R. ?? 200.85. DOJ funds generally cannot be used for land acquisition unless specifically permitted under the awarding program or terms of your award.

Title. Subject to the obligations and conditions in the award, title to real property acquired or improved under an award or subaward vests upon acquisition in the recipient or subrecipient, as applicable.

Use. Recipients and subrecipients may use real property acquired, in whole or in part, with Federal funds for the authorized purposes of the original award or subaward as long as needed for that purpose.

  • You should maintain an inventory report which identifies real property acquired, in whole or in part, with Federal funds.
  • You should not dispose of or encumber its title or other interests.

Disposition. When real property is no longer needed for the original award purposes, the non-Federal entity should obtain disposition instructions from the grant-making component or pass-through entity, as appropriate.?? The instructions may allow you to do one of the following:

  • Retain title after compensating the Federal awarding agency. The amount paid to the Federal awarding agency will be computed by applying the Federal awarding agency's percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase (and costs of any improvements) to the fair market value of the property. However, in those situations where the non-Federal entity is disposing of real property acquired or improved with a Federal award and acquiring replacement real property under the same Federal award, the net proceeds from the disposition may be used as an offset to the cost of the replacement property.
  • Sell the property and compensate the Federal awarding agency. The amount due to the Federal awarding agency will be calculated by applying the Federal awarding agency's percentage of participation in the cost of the original purchase (and cost of any improvements) to the proceeds of the sale after deduction of any actual and reasonable selling and fixing-up expenses. If the Federal award has not been closed out, the net proceeds from sale may be offset against the original cost of the property. When the non-Federal entity is directed to sell property, sales procedures must be followed that provide for competition to the extent practicable and result in the highest possible return.
  • Transfer title to the Federal awarding agency or to a third party designated/approved by the Federal awarding agency. The non-Federal entity is entitled to be paid an amount calculated by applying the non-Federal entity's percentage of participation in the purchase of the real property (and cost of any improvements) to the current fair market value of the property.