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3.3 Matching or Cost Sharing Requirements

Waiver of Match

  • For American Indian or Alaskan Native tribes that perform law enforcement functions (as determined by the Secretary of the Interior) for any program or project described in 42 U.S.C. ??3752 of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 42 U.S.C. ?? 3750???3769 [PDF - 160 Kb] the Federal portion of grant awards shall be 100% of such cost.
  • The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Administrator may increase the Federal share of your project cost to the extent deemed necessary if:
    • You are part of an American Indian or Alaska Native tribe, and
    • Your tribe does not have sufficient funds to meet the local share of the cost of any program or project award to be funded under Title II of the Juvenile Justice Act.
  • The grant-making component will waive any requirement for matching funds (including in-kind) under $200,000 for all awards made to American Samoa, Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands unless otherwise required by law to be provided; and may waive any requirement for matching funds equal to or over $200,000 for all awards made to those territories, or to the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. The $200,000 amount is determined on a grant-by-grant basis, not by the aggregate total of all matching requirements applicable to an insular area (48 U.S.C. ?? 1469a [PDF - 116 Kb] ).

COPS TipCOPS Office Specific Tip

Waivers specific to COPS Office awards: To maximize the number of communities that will be able to take advantage of COPS Office funding only a limited number of waiver requests (if any) will be granted to applicants who are able to demonstrate severe fiscal distress.

The COPS Office utilizes the “Fiscal Health” data provided in section 7 of the application with other applicant’s waiver request to make a final decision.

OVW TipOVW Specific Tip

Waivers specific to OVW awards: Match may be waived based on demonstration of financial hardship. In addition, awards to victim service providers for victim services or to tribes are subtracted from the Federal award amount for purposes of calculating required match. States may not require tribes or victim service providers to provide matching funds for their projects.