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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Free Services - Descriptions and Links

Free Email Services

Jurisdiction contacts are now required to have an email account. Access to this rapid form of communication greatly enhances our ability to communicate with jurisdictions and transmit important information about the ongoing status of applications, requests for payment, program updates, and approaching deadlines.

There are dozens of free email sources available over the Internet. Many Internet providers offer accounts as part of their regular service to their clients. We encourage you to take the necessary steps to identify a source and establish an account. To help get you started, we have provided a partial list of well known free email sources. This list identifies only a small number of potential sources and you are free to choose any provider that meets your needs. As with any service over the Internet, please read the terms and conditions of the service carefully and completely before signing up.

Free Internet Services

For those jurisdictions without routine or reliable access to Internet services, two options are available. First, the jurisdiction may contact the University of Arkansas National Center for Rural Law Enforcement (NCRLE) for assistance. This Center will assist you by completing the application and request for funds directly through their system network, in keeping with your needs and approvals. For more information about this option, contact NCRLE at 888-411-1713. They can also help in securing Internet access for your agency if you meet certain criteria.

Another approach is to secure free Internet access on your own, by working with one of many Internet providers who offer such a service. There are several free Internet sources available over the Internet. As with any service over the Internet, please read the terms and conditions of the service carefully and completely before signing up. They may impose certain tracking, advertising or surveying conditions with the free service that may be obtrusive or inappropriate for a government agency.

For immediate assistance, please call us toll-free at 1-877-758-3787. You may also reach us by email at [email protected]   

Date Created: January 10, 2020