This document serves as a fact sheet on a grant to support federally recognized Indian tribes to improve their capacity to respond to violent and drug-related crime; it provides an overview of who may apply and why, maximum award funds, where to find more information, tips for successful grant applications, and how and when to apply.
This solicitation overview provides grant information and resources for entities that may be interested in funding assistance from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) for participation in a training and technical assistance (TTA) network to support federally recognized Indian tribes with improving their capacity to respond to violent crime and crime associated with illicit substance use. The program also aims to help develop, implement, and enhance American Indian and Alaska Native tribal justice systems. The document lists eligible applicants as being: tribal institutions of higher education; public, private, and state-controlled institutions of higher education; non-profit organizations regardless of 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutes of higher education; for-profit organizations other than small businesses; and consortiums, including tribal consortiums, with demonstrated on-site experiences working with American Indian and Alaska Native tribes. It provides details on the maximum amount of funding per award and lists examples of strategies or activities that can be funded, as well as where to get more information about the grant opportunity. The document also lists five tips for submitting a successful grant application, with details about how and when to apply; it notes that the System for Award Management (SAM) registration or renewal may take up to 10 business days.
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