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Child Safety Forward Implementation Study Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2023
46 pages

This document provides an introduction to Child Safety Forward; it describes the methodology for CSF implementation, including data collection and analysis; findings, including a demonstration of site profiles, technical assistance model, core capacities, status quo changing strategies; discussion, and appendixes with technical assistance resources produced during Child Safety Forward and a final media list.


This document provides an introduction to Child Safety Forward (CSF), launched in 2019 as a three-year demonstration initiative to develop multidisciplinary strategies and responses to address serious or near-death injuries resulting from child abuse or neglect, and to reduce the number of child fatalities. Five demonstration sites participated in CSF in Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and California; they were supported by a technical assistance team that supported the planning and implementation of an all-systems approach to respond to and reduce child maltreatment fatalities and child crime victimization. The document discusses the specific areas of technical assistance, three core strategies applied by the CSF technical assistance team, and implementation evaluation methodology. Key takeaways highlight the expansion of all sites’ focus and understanding of how to promote child and family well-being by considering both risk factors and protective factors. The document also discusses the five key lessons and strategies for pushing the status quo that were highlighted as part of CSF initiative, which are: communications and framing; data culture and infrastructure; development evaluation (DE); Equity, power shifting, and parent engagement; and sustainability.