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Fifty Strategies for Substance Abuse Treatment

NCJ Number
B S Brown
Date Published
152 pages
This volume describes discrete interventions subjected to careful study and found effective in reducing drug use and related dysfunctional behaviors.
More than 3,500 books and papers published since 1970 were reviewed to select the treatment strategies included. Each of the interventions was chosen to represent an addition to clinical regimens rather than simply an adjustment to current practice. Generally, the interventions described have been tested in studies that used random assignment of clients, follow-up periods of at least several months post-intervention, and appropriate measures of treatment outcome. The volume is divided by nature of intervention. It proceeds from client recruitment and early retention strategies to the core of treatment, including individual, group, and family counseling and therapy; behavioral interventions; pharmacological and biomedical strategies; vocational programming; services to the persons with dual disorders, to cocaine users, and to criminal justice clients; relapse prevention; and HIV prevention initiatives. Programming for women, adolescents, and ethnic groups is described as appropriate within each of these categories. Each intervention is described in terms of its content and structure, the client population for which the intervention is appropriate, the type and numbers of staff and other resources needed, the research findings relative to that intervention, and a listing of research articles and treatment manuals that can be consulted for additional information. References accompany each treatment presentation.