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PSN TTA Engagement Profile: Northern District of Illinois

NCJ Number
Date Published
January 2023
2 pages

This document provides an overview of efforts of the Northern District of Illinois to take advantage of the Justice Department’s Project Safe Neighborhoods program, a nationwide initiative that aims to identify and develop solutions to the most immediate violent crime problems in a community.


This document lays out several notable Project Safe Neighborhood, Training and Technical Assistance (PSN TTA) program engagements that the Northern District of Illinois (NDIL) has participated in. The Department of Justice’s PSN program is a nationwide initiative that is customized to account for local violent crime problems and resources; it brings together federal, state, local, and tribal law enforcement officers, prosecutors, community-based partners, and other stakeholders, to identify and develop solutions to the most immediate violent crime problems in a community. The PSN TTA program assists PSN teams with planning, implementing, and assessing their violence-reduction strategies. This document highlights NDIL’s work with PSN TTA task forces, specifically noting the virtual Gangs and Guns: Making Your Firearms Case More Prosecutable trainings for more than 300 law enforcement officers and prosecutors; trauma-informed prosecuting training for approximately 100 prosecutors; and a PSN Grants Workshop Series for law enforcement agencies throughout the district.